welcome to BABY'S BREATH
Professionals and students providing the midwifery model of care believe that birth is an everyday miracle to be respected and valued. We are invited to this powerful rite of passage by families that trust us to be experts in physiologic birth and holistic neonatal transition. While most babies will take their first breath on their own and in their own time, some do not. In these circumstances, every newborn deserves highly skilled birth attendants, able to provide necessary life-saving skills in a timely and safe manner. This course was developed from my personal passion to help birth professionals in the community setting feel confident in their neonatal skills. Thank you for choosing our program for your continued professional training. It is our privilege to support you in this rich learning environment as you become an expert in Baby’s Breath.
With respect and caring,

Baby’s Breath is a unique one-day workshop developed from Michele’s almost 30 years of experience caring for women, newborns, and growing families - as a mother, midwife, nurse, and yoga instructor. It blends the values of these disciplines into a course that empowers midwives and their assistants to consider the importance of both mystery and mastery in holistic neonatal transition. Through facilitated discussion, hands-on skills, scenarios, and debriefing, a holistic neonatal transition model is presented that values our midwifery traditions, while also incorporating individual instruction of all skills included in the 8th edition NRP algorithm (Self-inflating BVM, T-piece & CPAP, O2 & Medicalized Air, LMA, Compressions, UVC - IV fluids/Meds). Classes remain small - with individual instruction of skills presented in the morning followed by group scenarios - with birth teams and equipment well suited for the home and /or birth center setting - in the afternoon. You will leave the course with the renewed confidence and sharp assessment skills necessary to calmly hold the space for the mother-baby dyad to unfold as you critically determine if additional assistance is needed.

Most AAP/AHA NRP classes utilize equipment, staffing, and philosophy ideal for those practicing the medical model of care in the hospital setting. Baby's Breath is designed for those practicing within the midwifery model of care in the community setting. Although it follows ILCOR guidelines and integrates the 8th edition NRP algorithm into the course, it also focuses on the unique aspects that support physiologic birth and holistic neonatal transition in the home, birth center, or transfer to the hospital. Home and Birth Center clients are low risk and therefore midwives in this setting do not routinely care for compromised newborns. We must respect this knowledge gap and adopt training that supports our learning needs. Practice should be more frequent and knowledge tested in scenarios unique to our staffing and possible transport plans. Unlike hospital-based courses, Baby’s Breath incorporates our midwifery values into the scenarios that we practice. Care is provided in a manner that respects explicitly the connection and need of mother and baby to remain together during this highly sensitized post-birth period. We review the importance of the intimate interplay of hormones, placental circulation, skin-skin contact, mother’s voice, touch, and intuition on the neonate’s transition. We discuss the importance of our energy as providers and how we can most effectively hold the space and communicate when we are waiting for each new Baby’s Breath. Baby’s Breath is an invaluable course for midwives and those assisting midwives during care provided in the community setting.

Price and Schedule for the
The workshop is an 8-9 hour training with individual skill review in the morning session, followed by group scenario in the afternoon, and concludes with an optional UVC review in the final hour.
Professionals and Students taking the workshop for the first time will register for and take the FULL workshop. Professionals returning to Baby's Breath to renew may opt to just take the last 4 hours. Both Students and Professionals returning to Baby's Breath for their training receive a discounted renewal rate. Auditing is open to all participants for 2 years from their course date to practice skills & drills (CE included).
Registration Fees:
Professional Full: $250
Professional Renewal: $200
Student Full: $175
Student Renewal: $125

Prior to the
If you are taking Baby's Breath as your NRP training (not seeking AAP NRP Provider training) you are welcome to do an optional pre-workshop review of the material in THE NEST. The Password will be sent to you following registration.
If you are seeking an AAP NRP Provider card, you must register with AAP ($45 paid to their program) as well as with Baby's Breath. Please follow these Step by Step Instructions for getting your AAP NRP Provider Training. You are required (by AAP) to complete Part 1 with AAP before the workshop - unless you are taking the course without an intention to obtain your AAP NRP Provider Card. As stated above, additional NRP learning resources are available in THE NEST - Password provided in Baby's Breath registration confirmation email (Please check your SPAM/JUNK folder for a WIX email if not in your INBOX).
After the

Upon successful completion of the workshop (Instructor-Led Event), Michele will sign you off in the AAP Roster for the event within 48 hours. Your card will then be available online with AAP until it is expired or renewed in 2 years. Please return to the Learning Platform for additional information.

ceu's for the
There are a total of 16 Contact Hours available for CEU - depending on the license that you hold.
6 CEUs are provided for completion of the Baby's Breath Workshop. These CEUs/CME are provided by the CA BD RN and the Utah Office of EMS and Preparedness (NARM CEU Cat 1). CEU Certificates will be emailed within 48 hours following the workshop.
There are also up 11 CEUs available from AAP for everyone that completes the AAP Provider course. However, some licensing and certification agencies limit the amount or prohibit the use of AAP NRP CEUs for licensure/renewal.


1. Come in comfortable clothes/socks (some host sites are no-shoes)
2. Bring snacks/beverage/ lunch or plan to go grab a lunch close by (1-2pm lunch break)
3. Bring your questions and case studies but no stress! This workshop will be a warm and friendly environment for us all to learn together. I look forward to seeing you soon! Michele